Given the current state of...well...everything I suppose, the escapism that video games provide seems to be an oasis amidst turbulent current events.
That simple idea of escapism, that ability to turn on a game and be taken to another world and leave your problems behind for a few blissful hours, is reflected brilliantly in Jump Over the Age’s recent release, In Other Waters.
So what is it all about?
On the surface, the short answer to that question has a rather odd response. You play the game as an A.I. onboard an advanced diving suit assisting a xenobiologist as she explores, categorizes, samples, and notates the variety of underwater life of an alien planet. However, not all is as it seems when your passenger, Dr. Ellory Vas, starts to uncover the abandoned outposts of her predecessor. And after that,’ll have to dive deeper to find out.
This game is very minimalist, the simple dots and lines you experience on screen are all representative of the alien planet that you are processing as an artificial intelligence. Points of interest, creatures, and other features of note are highlighted in yellow while you navigate the shallow reef. The colors are incredibly soothing — giving you the sensation of scuba diving in a tropical location. Nothing exists on screen that isn’t in some way relevant to furthering the story of exploring this alien planet and unravelling the mystery of your missing friend.
This game sets the example of the rule “less is more”.
The fewer details you are shown, the more your imagination can fill in the gaps and you start to see the planet Gliese 677Cc the way you want to see it. Giving that level of agency to the player is a wonderful thing not seen in many games today.
In Other Waters has two characters in it. Dr. Ellory Vas, and you, the A.I. in her dive suit. While other people in the world are referenced, ultimately it is the two of you telling this story together. Although, your character is definitely not much of a talker. While that might be a negative in other games, the inability to interact directly with the narrative (remember, you are an A.I. in this instance) helps reinforce the sense of loneliness and, for lack of a better word, abandonment that Dr. Vas is experiencing during the events of the game. All of Ellory’s lines are text — all of her thoughts, feelings, and field notes have to be read.
The writing of her character is so incredibly clear — simply reading the transcript made Ellory Vas come to life.
As much fun as I had playing this game, this is where I have to be completely honest with myself and with you. The gameplay, purely as a mechanical function, is repetitive in my opinion. As I was getting drawn in by the art style, the writing, and the deeper secrets that the game has to offer, I kept finding myself getting pulled out of the moment by the repetitive functions I was having to perform to keep the game moving forward. Was the developer making a statement about the endless repetitive tasks that A.I. have to put up with? Or am I simply reading too much into it?
STORY 10/10
This is where everything comes together. The deeper you dive, the more you uncover about the world you are exploring, the more it pulls you in and it doesn’t let go.
What starts as the cheery exploration of an alien planet slowly turns into something much... deeper.
I have no desire to spoil anything for you, so I will simply say that the story is fantastic — and given what is going on in regards to our own planet, quite topical. These simple dots and lines of text on my PC screen made me feel genuine emotions. Joy, anxiety, curiosity, even fear! All because of the story that I was able to take part in exploring and the phenomenal way it was presented.
In a time where big-budget games are feeling more and more like the same game, it feels nice to find an independent project that holds its own in virtually every category and isn’t afraid to be both artistic and tell an engaging story. In Other Waters is a wonderfully entertaining escape with an atmosphere that demands further exploration.
Just a little deeper beneath the waves a world of unknowns waits for you to uncover its answers.