Born and raised in the great Seattle Area, Erik’s earliest gaming memories are playing Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt on his cousins’ NES at 3 years old. Since then, video games have been an essential part of his life. His first experience with indie games was in high school where he was the “beta” tester for the game design program (if he wasn’t attending full time college at the time he would have joined the class himself of course). Erik spent countless afternoons reviewing his friends’ games to help them improve their games. From there, gaming on sites like Newgrounds and Armorgames (RIP Flash) became his go to for stress relief as he finished college. He then moved to playing mainstream and indie games on XBOX as his professional career began. Erik is pumped to get back to reviewing games on a new platform and can’t wait to see the great games that come form this indie community!
TWITTER / INSTAGRAM: @the_erik_webb
XBOX LIVE: @NuclearArachnid